Sunday, January 24, 2010

Initial Paper Topic

My initial thoughts about a paper topic would be to do a research paper on college sports. I feel that this is a pretty broad topic and can be related to many different aspects of college and the college life. This topic also interests me because I am a big sports fan myself and would be very interested in doing research on the effects of sports on a school and on the campus life. I actually just went to visit a friend at UConn this weekend to see their basketball team play the #1 rated Texas Longhorns. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience. I can get into details in a later blog, but I just found the impact of sports of the school to be amazing. I signed up for this course so that I could become a better writer and also because taking a class on college sounded interesting. I look forward to doing research on this topic (if it is the one I choose) and learning more about sports and their impact on college.

1 comment:

  1. This is actually a more focused topic than other students have expressed. You should begin, though, by getting ahold of the "counter argument":
    William Dowling's Confessions of a Spoilsport. Dowling is very critical of the Rutgers sports culture and you should read his other writings on the subject as well. Only then look for people more in line with your own view who you can put into dialogue with Dowling. But start by trying to understand the other perspective here.
